A story. We all have one, don’t we? In fact, we are all in the process of being written- all in the process of birth, formation, downfall, crisis, pain, rebirth and renewal. We are all characters in this novel called life, immersed within the forces of good and evil…of true life and certain death. Yes, we all have a story to tell with our lives. [Read more...]
Old Truths for A New Year
Eager For The Tree
John. Fear. And Jesus.
He was heaving and I was scared. What was the cause of this sadness from my seven-year-old boy? What disrupted his sleep and mounted him on fear and panic? The conversation began-
Ordinary turned Extraordinary
Panic turned to Peace
Just Give Me Jesus!
When I hush the world, all of the sorrow and screaming scenes-
My Name Is?
Am I really home?
I have been sitting here for a while staring at the screen, my hands hovering the keys, waiting. I feel it, but sometimes it takes a while for all that simmers inside to come scripting out. I hear this prayer rise…Make these, my words, a well oiled river, flowing the brokenness of me and the wholeness of you, up, out and over. The simmer becomes a boil. I process what the prayer means. It’s a pleading that the mess of me combined with the perfection of God will emerge, expand, and explode right past my heart and onto the page. The prayer gives birth to vocabulary… [Read more...]