From Pulling My Hair Out to Counting My Blessings!

Well, buckle up, this is gonna be a long ride. I plan on writing stream of consciouness and I’m not looking back so who knows what will come out from these fast typing fingers. Today was just one of those days. Yes, mothers all around the world know what I mean when I say…It was just one of those days. My morning began at 2:30 am, and then 3:15 am and then 5 :30am and then the final buzzer went off at 6:50 am. Ben did the triple morning wake up. Wow, I wish I hadn’t taken a benedryl last night and that my precious husband wouldn’t have taken more than his fair share of the coffee this morning. For the past week John has miraculously slept until 8:30 am. As I sat down in the recliner with my 1/2 a cup of coffee and with Benny contentedly in the in exersaucer, i thought to myself, ” well at least I’ll have a few moments to let this caffeine override my exhaustion before our little spinning machine wakes up”…. “A,B,C,D…H,W…” Is what I hear at that very moment like a loud speaker from heaven blaring from John Kelty’s room. I take a deep breath, say a quick prayer and sacrificially change the channel from my beloved Today show to hopefully catch up on the Texas Polygamy case (my current obsession) to John’s beloved “The Wiggles.”

And so the day began…we were off to a good start. Chris quickly ran upstairs to get John before he left for school as I started to nurse Ben. I hear a sweet “Goodmorning Anna, have fun with Jesus” as John came down the stairs and saw Anna’s picture. I think to myself, “such precious things come out of that little mouth”. The next thing I hear is, “Mommy, John needs a snack and Benny eats (drum roll please……) boobie snacks, 2 of them.” Yes, you heard me right, boobie snacks. I have never heard that from John before and we certainly don’t refer to nursing in that way. So I silently rewind and add to my previous thought, “Precious and precocious things come out of that little mouth.”

The sweetness quickly turned into hysteria and 2 year old tantrum throwing when I suggested we take a special “brother’s picture” for Maw Maw for Mother’s Day. I even promised a bowl filled with chocolate chips, ( I swore I’d never bride when I became a mother). Rivers of tears and flailing erupted since he couldn’t have the chocolate chips before the picture was taken and since he actually had to sit next to Ben which meant Ben’s hunky, unsteady body kept toppling onto John. John was convinced that Benny was kirplunking him on purpose….and he tried to kirplunk him back…and so a series of timeouts prevailed.

I decided to turn the morning around by having a fun mommy son morning activity, cookie making to give as a gift to a friend. I should have known better than to suggest such an activity on, “Just one of those days.” John and I had very different ideas about the right way to incorporate the chocolate chips and oatmeal into the dough. I suggested stirring as the correct method. John demanded the scoop and stuff method…from the bowl into his mouth. Of course I had to take the bowl away which sent John running into he living room to throw himself dramatically onto the sofa where he pounded the cushions with his fists and soaked the fabric with his tears. Needless to say, I finished the cookie project alone. I left John in the living room to calm down as I went to put Ben down for his first morning nap. As I was tending to Ben’s needs, I realized it was quiet downstairs. I thought to myself, “finally he is caming down, probably entertaining himself with the “little people” I pulled out for his pretend, independent pleasure.” I took my time with Ben and came back downstairs to find the “little people” abandoned, with a knowing look on there plastic faces seeming to indicate that John was up to no good. I took there hint and headed for the kitchen where I caught John red handed standing on a chair he pulled over to the kitchen counter fisting a good majority of the dozen cookies that were cooling on the cookie rack. I said, “John Christopher Kelty!” he said innocently (but not so innocently), “Mommy John likes cookies.”" Gooey chocolate was painted all over his face and markers all over his neck. Oh, did I fail to mention the earlier coloring activiy that went ary? I forcefully (I mean gently) removed his body from the chair and plopped him onto the living room sofa….another dramatic crying session insued.
Then came the sad moment. As I was walking and pumping at the same time and dealing with 2 year oldness while listening to a frantic 6 month old cry in hunger, my hard earned 24 hours of scarce breastmilk, I mean gold, somehow came flying out of the bottle in slow motion and flooded the living room floor. I was on the edge. I know it wasn’t John’s fault but in that moment it certainly felt like it was…somehow.
Then of course this would be the day when the infant constipation pipe we have been waiting to unclog would come erupting forth in what we like to call the “blowout” or “neck poop”. I kept my neice today which always means extra fun for John and a fight at naptime. He kicked and screamed as I carried his overly stimulted and overly tired body up the stairs. He practically passed out on my shoulder when I plugged his plump little mouth with the passy and handed him his sticky (I’ll wash it later) blankey. Of course the naps were far from coinciding today and my stomach hurt and I planned for another pot of coffee that never got made and John woke up early from his nap.
Chris called to say that baseball practice, which I was crossing my fingers would be canceled, was definitely not canceled. But I determined that I could do it- I could take my “crazy today kids” to Wal-Mart. But of course, when you are having, “Just one of those days,” your baby who rarely makes an unhappy peep, cries the whole way through the store and your 2 year old most certainly screams, “my turn for toys” repeatedly over and over and loudly so that everyone in the store can hear (and judge you as one of those mothers) as he tries to hoist himself from the cart. So of course I proceeded to bribe for a second time today and I headed straight for the MacDonalds that sits conveinently right inside the electric double doors magnetically pulling you in with thier signature fried fat aroma. At first I felt bad about this bribe, I thought, “I’m a bad mother resorting to food to keep my kids quiet.” So I came up with a cute rhyming song with the words “if your sweet you’ll get a treat, insn’t that neat…” and then I resolved that I wasn’t a bad mother at all. In fact, I ws incredibly creative, providing my child with fun, melodic, opportunities for sweet treats. I opted for the new jumbo cinnamon and sugar pretzal since John had already had who knows how many cookies this morning. “Be careful, the pretzel is very hot,” said the MacDonalds cashier. John understood her caution very clearly and started to cry, “Oh no mommy, my treat very too hot!” No problem, there’s a snack kiosk not ten feet away. I quickly paid for the sizzling pretzel that was later thrown away and headed for the snack station as I thought to myself, “What in the heck am I doing and I am so glad Chris is not here to witness this pitiful parenting moment.” I grabbed a bag a cheesey enchilada “for a limited time only” cheetos which left John with gunky, orange fingers and of course he used Ben’s fuzzy new hair as a napkin….. And so on and so forth.
When Chris came home tonight there was a brief moment when he hugged me and I thought I would burst into tears and say “let’s go get a pizza.” Instead, I took a deep breath and I said outloud, “tomorrow’s a new day”and I proceeded to make the healthy dinner I knew I needed to make in order to right a day filled chocoalte chips and cheetos. As the evening progressed, John and Ben got cuter and cuter and I grabbed my camera to capture these little boogers that I love so much. I started counting my blessings. Sunday is Mothers Day, a day when mother’s get to thank God for entrusting them with his little people to love, nurture, tame and mold. Three years ago I sat and wept all day and remember thinking I would give anything for a screaming baby to love. I want to remember that desperation as I reach another Mother’s day when my arms and my heart are so full.
The following pictures capture some of our evening rituals….playing with daddy, dancing, bath-time, story time and getting ready for bed.
Cuddling with daddy.
John taking a picture with Ben while still watching The Wiggles.
Waving my arms in the air just like an emu (compliments of the Wiggles) and waving my U of L flag- a daily acivity!!!
Chewing a giraffe…Ben is working on some teeth!
Getting Ben ready for bed…

bath time…
sucking my toes….fast asleep.

Getting John ready for bed…
story time…

fit time…John wanted to wear his elmo underwear conveinently right as we wer turning out the lights for bed. He didn’t like our idea of waiting to wear them until tomorrow.
kissing daddy and saying prayers.
“God, thank you for bad days that turn good and for the grace to wake up adn do it all over again tomorrow.”


  1. says

    Oh Kelty Family, I love to hear all about it! Kate, you are such a talented writer…I feel as if I’m right there living out your crazy day with you! So this is what I have to look forward to, eh? Guess John is a miniature Kate and Ben is his Daddy! How precious! I know sweet Anna will be smiling down on you this Mother’s Day! Love you all!

  2. says

    Oh my goodness…I am laughing my head off!!! The drama!!! And just like your sister, you are a fabulous writer and are great with the humor. The photo of you sitting on the floor reminds me so much of Kristen…wow.

    Love seeing this slice of your precious life.

  3. says

    I love it! I am laughing out loud at a day that sounds oh so familiar!!! Thank God that His mercies are new each day, right? I love you, friend! Be encouraged that you are a wonderful mother and those boys of yours couldn’t be more blessed!!!!

  4. Karla says

    I’m so proud of the deep breath you took at the end of the day (and all the ones I’m sure you took before that one). Way to go! I know your deep breath will inspire many for me when I’m having “one of those days.” Thank you, Katie Kate!

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