Help Please!

Many of you know this story.  Many of you don’t.  I am asking for help for my dear friend Raegan.

This precious boy captured my heart and thousands of others in this world…but oh how he captured his family.  Theo had just turned one when Raegan flew to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in February of 2011.  Her birthday was the day she received him into her arms for the first time.  She stayed in Congo for five weeks and then flew back to America with her sweet Theo to bring him home to his daddy and big sister Mallaney and big brother Max.  Just a few months after that he was diagnosed with Leukemia.  Theo died just before his second birthday.

I can’t write that sentence without the wound in my chest ripping open.  I can’t think of Theo, of his unique, little, splendid, wonderful character and all the love and pain that has followed without weeping.
I love Theo and I love his mama…and I love her heart for children and for adoption.In 1999 Raegan and I went on a three month mission trip together to Belarus.  I will never forget the day we visited a Belarussian orphanage and the tears spilled from her eyes as we loaded onto the bus to leave later that day. Though it was difficult for all of us to tell these precious ones good-bye, it was clear that Raegan’s pain and tenderness for the orphans was apart of a much greater story the Lord was writing for her life.  When she married Mike a few years later, I knew this couple was destined for greatness. I have walked with Raegan and Mike in grief over the past few years of sickness and death.  I love my friends deeply. I wish I could rewrite the story in a way that it made sense to me- in a way that takes away all the suffering they have endured.  But God’s hand is still at work.  He is still penning His beautiful script for them- still working all things, even the awful, into His redemptive plan for good.

A part of that plan is…
Raegan and Mike are adopting again.  This time, two precious children, a little girl and a little boy from Uganda.  I wish I could post their pictures, BECAUSE THEY ARE PRECIOUS…But I can’t yet. So stay tuned.  I promise to update.
These children will be ready to come home soon and Raegan and Mike need help raising the necessary funds to be able to go and get their children.  I ache for the pain they have endured, but I rejoice in their courage to move forward and to continue to yes to the call God has placed on their hearts to grow their family and to “care for the orphan” James 1:27.
Isn’t this call for all of us in some way?  This is an opportunity to support a family who has endured so much and to say yes to God’s call for the church to care for the orphans of our world.
Will you please join me in helping two children from Uganda to be placed in a loving family? Will you please join me as participants in God’s redemptive and beautiful plan to rewrite their stories?  
If you would like to read more of Raegan’s story, you can go to her blog at…

You can mail checks (tax deductible) to their adoption agency:  Please make sure to write”Raegan and Mike’s adoption” in the memo line.
Promise Kids A Future Inc.
C/O Jill Baker
117 North Broadway
Georgetown, KY 40324


Thank you in advance…and stay tuned.  I promise I will continue to update their story here.


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