The battle was far from over.
I stopped crying, the winds and waves of my soul growing calm under the command of love.
He loves me….why so powerful, this thought, this truth I have known and spoken a thousand times before?
I struggled through the end of my pregnancy trying to be a hero, a winner instead of a girl shaking in the arms of her tender God. That would have been real winning. I had forgotten that I was accepted, that I belonged and that my oozing scars evoke the tender mercy of my God…not His wrath. I had forgotten that I was a child within the watchful embrace of her compassionate daddy and in doing so, I orphaned myself from love. I assumed my time was up- the alarm had sounded. I assumed the grace period, the tender hour had passed and an expectation of robotic flawlessness had taken its place.
He loves taking care of me. He loves being my dad.
So beautiful, Kate.
Thank you Kristin
Oh Kate, I could hardly read through my tears. Blessings to you and sweet Jonah.
Such beautiful truths. This was posted on my facebook feed through a friend. So timely as we have celebrated and remembered today the miraculous work the Lord did in our lives 12 years ago today when our daughter Tabitha was born still.