John’s 5th Birthday…Thoughts about Life as I know it NOW!

It’s been nearly a year since I’ve written, since I’ve documented “Kelty Life.” I think the posts I left last February kind of wiped me out for a while. Or rather, I scraped every word from the bottom of the barrel and I simply had nothing left to say. For some time I’ve been wanting to pluck the keys, not really sure what I wanted (needed) to write, just possessing the urge to do so. I could say a lot about our crazy family life, but I am noticing that I feel my connection to the internet world is better served by offering myself (however helpful or not helpful it may be) to mothers…the ones who find themselves clinging to a blood stained blanket, a foot print or even an ultrasound photo…the physical remains of your beloved baby. Or the mothers who have lost babies but have other children at home (whether born before or after the child you’ve lost). How do we move on, charge ahead in life and faith with the weight of grief, and its surmounting questions, heavy on our bodies and in our hearts???

As February approaches (Anna’s 6th birthday on the horizon) I find myself wanting to share a bit about where my grief and hope have settled. Today is John’s fifth birthday, born eleven months after the loss of Anna. I wrote him a letter just now. The idea is to write my children one (or several each year, Anna included) to be compiled into a book I will eventually give them when they are grown. In Anna’s case, when I enter the kingdom, I pray I find it in my hands as well. As I read back over the words, it occurred to me that this was what I wanted to share…this letter to John kind of encapsulates where I find myself now in grief and hope and in relationship with Jesus as a mom who tends to the needs of her living children, coping with the one that is lost (not really) and charging ahead in this unpredictable world.

The last year has brought emails and phone calls delivering great news of life and celebration and yet also the grievous news of loss as well. As I sit here typing, I am being thumped and kicked by baby boy number three, marveling at his 26 weeks of life and knowing all the while, “this could all be over in an instant.” As I sit here, the list is a long one of those I love (some I know, some I don’t) who know all too well the bitterness of their own tears, the names of their lost children hanging in the air above them; a new banner of existence. Welcome to a life of grief, a life where the longing for your child and every other human emotion that arises from that pain is your new way of living. Is that how it feels? I remember saying at one point that my name was no longer simply Kate, but rather, “Kate, the mother of dead Anna.” Her death defined me. My very existence and uniqueness was lost in the loss of her. And that was okay, for that season of my life, for that season of my grief. It was an important stage in my healing journey and ultimately my future with grief to be able to identify myself in this way. My definition has been altered in these past few years and I find myself joyfully proclaiming, “My name is Kate, the mother of living Anna…let’s talk about HOPE!!!”

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve spent the past couple of years writing “our story” (mine and Anna’s). Now, 16 chapters and an Epilogue are compiled into a manuscript with the title “The Jesus of my Grief” boldly gracing the cover. Who knows what will happen. I know my prayer always comes back to these lyrics from a beloved worship song:

“Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdom cause…as I walk from earth into eternity.”

I am 100% burdened with crazy compassion for those who suffered as I did with the added pain to grief of not knowing the Love of the one they call Savior. That’s what it boiled down to for me. I ache for all those who suffer the loss of their children while questioning (and rightfully so) the love of God. Are you asking or have you ever wondered, “How can God’s LOVE and GOODNESS be inserted into this tragic equation I find myself living in?” I TESTIFY: there is powerful healing and comfort that comes from being saturated in His love. I assure you I came to discover it through the biggest, longest God fight of my life. What made it all the harder was that I thought I already fully knew the love of God which allowed me to be able to defend my position that it was lacking…“seriously flawed God.” That was my position. Oh my was I wrong…..I pray I have the opportunity to put my story out there as a testimony to the depths one can travel in the grief pit and the heights one can soar in God’s love.

But for now…I will leave you with this letter to John:

January 23, 2011


Today you are five years old….There are so many emotions and feelings that come with this day…the majority being a whole lot of gratitude. Do you know my sweet boy that you are exceptional? You really are. The way God designed you, all of you, is beautiful and remarkable and fascinating. You represent so much to me, to your daddy and to our family. We are so blessed to have you as our very own little guy to raise into the man God has dreamed up just for you. As your dad prayed last night at your birthday dinner, this day represents so much more than celebrating you, it represents the celebration of the faithfulness of God!

I could write a lot about what I am hoping and praying for you in the next year of your life, with kindergarten on the horizon and all the wonderful (and scary) changes that you are getting ready to encounter. But instead I want to share with you a conversation we had last night and the prayer it left me with for you, a life prayer if you will.

The conversation:

“Mommy, what if everyone in the world dies and only one person is left?” I opened my mouth to respond and then you blurted out, “Mommy, will I die before you or will you die before me?” “Such big questions for a little guy” I said. I tried my best to give an answer and then became frustrated at my inability to respond to inquiries that often end up in very difficult conclusions…questions that simply require faith. So I said, “Why don’t you just look at my eyes” (this was certainly prompted by the Holy Spirit because I had no idea what would happen, or even what I would say when it did). You hesitated for a minute and then found yourself locked into my love staring back at you and peace fell over you. That delighted little smile that somehow seems to tickle your whole body and not just your mouth permeated your entire being. “Amazing,” I thought. And then I heard myself say, “See that?” The whole body smile continued. “Just let yourself rest knowing you are safe with me and that you are loved.” That seemed to satisfy you. But I left your room wondering, who is this little man all wrapped up in five year old skin? And how Lord, can I be the best mama to John Kelty that I can be? Sometimes I feel so ill-equipped.

In you I see worry, ( your mama relates) worry undeniably that comes from living in the world and for knowing so much already at your tender age…knowing the death of your infant sister and trying to process sin in your little heart and mind. In you I see curiosity, an eagerness to know and understand life and God and how things work. I also see a place where surrender is needed in order to know peace and trust! This has become my fifth birthday prayer for you…mighty mighty faith in your Savior so that you can eventually not simply live in the world, but live on top of it, testifying to those around you, a God so full of grace, in a graceless world.

When Anna died, your dad and I went through the darkest days of our life. It was also the season where I asked more questions about God and life than I ever had before. I NEEDED answers! Answers that made sense, answers that could calm and even eradicate the grief from my heart. In the end, the answer that satisfied was actually an experience. There was a day when I stared into the face of God, and finally found myself at home in the safety of belonging to Him and somehow there was no more doubt… HE was in fact, PERFECT! The need for answers dissipated when I found myself saturated in holy love. That’s what happened to you last night Johnny when I silenced your worried heart with the fullness of my love for you…the safety of belonging to me and knowing I loved you rescued your worried heart and invited you into peace. The need for answers to calm your fears was no longer needed…you found love instead.

There was one more part to that conversation:

“John I have one more secret I want to share with you before you go to bed on this last last night of being four.” And I whispered, “The day you were born was the greatest day of my life.” You sweetly replied, “Aww mom, I’m going to tell everyone you said that…I mean, even strangers.”

That’s the other thing I see in you Johnny, total enthusiasm to share with others what you know and feel to be true. Again, I can’t help but to smile with anticipation as I wonder about the plans God has for you.

Thank you baby for reminding me today, as I carry your baby brother in his sixth month of life, as I find myself worrying about the cruelty that awaits you in Elementary school and the fear of letting you drive a car for the first time, that Jesus is always the answer to every worry and every fear that creeps our way…Jesus! His simple name is the answer that gives way to the whole body smile. The fullness of being loved, IS actually an answer. And thank you for reminding me that TRUTH (a love that makes us feel so good) is worth sharing, even to strangers!

It took me a long time to surrender to this kind of faith, probably because it took me a long time to know Jesus for who He really is. Your life will not always be easy. As I sit here, I am already swept over with incalculable compassion and tenderness for those moments in your life…and yet I know the best gift I can give you is an up close and personal view at a relationship with Jesus that is a remedy for living in this shattered world. May you believe that and fight for it on the days when it’s hard to feel and see… when trauma and pain cloud His face from your vision. He is always there without flaw or defect, however flawed the world or the enemy may trick you into thinking He is. The eyes of Jesus eyes contain more peace than a thousand answers could hold! So keep being the little philosopher and theologian that you are…but know that no ounce of knowledge will ever grip you stronger than the experience of being at home within His love in your most fragile state… “For when you are weak, then I am strong!”

Happy Birthday John John! May you find yourself always just a blink away from the eyes of your Savior, a moment away from the richness of belonging to the God who has already written the final winning chapter!

I am yours…always,


Peace and Hope to each of you my mama friends wading through the fog of loss to find the face of JESUS!


John’s 5th Birthday…Thoughts about Life as I know it NOW!

It’s been nearly a year since I’ve written, since I’ve documented “Kelty Life.”I think the posts I left last February kind of wiped me out for a while.Or rather, I scraped every word from the bottom of the barrel and I simply had nothing left to say.For some time I’ve been wanting to pluck the keys, not really sure what I wanted (needed) to write, just possessing the urge to do so.I could say a lot about our crazy family life, but I am noticing that I feel my connection to the internet world is better served by offering myself (however helpful or not helpful it may be) to mothers…the ones who find themselves clinging to a blood stained blanket, a foot print or even an ultrasound photo…the physical remains of your beloved baby.Or the mothers who have lost babies but have other children at home (whether born before or after the child you’ve lost).How do we move on, charge ahead in life and faith with the weight of grief, and its surmounting questions, heavy on our bodies and in our hearts??? [Read more...]

Reflections on 30

I have been trying for sometime to put into words why I feel so comfortable and at home in “30″. In fact, for years now it has been on the horizon as I meca of sorts that I have been journeying too. And now I am here. When I was little it represented a life I always wanted and dreamed about. With your 20′s under your belt you can officially be an adult with a mini van as a clear and well established possesion or goal without shame. 20…not so much. 30 is also a validating age. The new wrinkles that appear around the eyes and the gray hairs creeping along the frame of my face are now warranted by my age and I don’t yet feel the great need for new skin care products and a hair dye kit. I feel proud of every sign of age. Gray hairs equal wisdom, wrinkles mean i have laughed a whole lot and belly stretch marks are badges of honor. I can tell you exactly which mark came from which of my three children…my stomach is a map of motherhood. Models may not agree…but I am proud of every single worn sign on my body that indicates all 30 years of life I have lived.
30 to me means “Let’s Go.” With the past behind I am geared up for what lies ahead. If you are reading this than you know that my 20′s were not the easiest. God brought three amazing men into my life and one daughter captured to heaven. The joy and the pain of the last 10 years have been teriffic. I am so grateful I walk into my 30,s praising God instead of shaking my fist for the cards I hold in my hand. I am so greatful for little boys that giggle and wrestle and teach me about my need for Jesus.
My sister gave me the most precious birthday gift. She made me a scrap book album of “30 things I have learned from my sister.” I laughed and cried as I took in each page…a documentary of my life. At the end of the book I said to her, ” Kristen these aren’t things I have taught you…these are things my life has taught us.” From the importance of bushy haired girls learning to use a round brush to learing the true meaning of “God has a plan” life has been good to me.
There was a moment when we were reading the book together when I didn’t think I would be a able to turn another page. It was a stuck moment in between # 23 “Our citizenship is in heaven” exemplified by a picture of my sister holding and kissing Anna…. to #25 ” Dreams do come true” with pictures of my boys and neices growing up together. The moment delivered the unexpected tidal wave of grief with it’s very own key to my heart and I was stuck between those 2 vibrant realities… Anna, which is my past and also my future and the now which is my boys. Every once in a while I get stunned by it. I have a momentary loss of understanding and I lose my breath when I try to hold those 2 realities, my 3 children all at once. How can I be here smiling as if life is full when she is gone… when try as I might in my futile, desperate attempts I can’t figure out a way to fix what was broken. My heart tells me if I look hard enough there will be a loop hole in the death system, a door to take me right to her NOW!!! I bowed my head and took a few moments to live my grief and then as I have done for the past 4 years I took a deep breath and stepped right into the next frame…the truth of my boys and my neices and the fullness of life on earth with the truth of the full redemption of Anna ahead of me.
As June 6 was coming to an end I lay in bed with John for our evening ritual of bed time stories. When we came to the picturs of Anna, he looked up and saw my tears. He asked me why I was crying and I said, “John I am so hapy that Anna gets to live with Jesus. I just really miss her sometimes.” To which he replied “But mommy, it’s okay now… you’ve got me!” With what had to be the world’s tightest hug, I replied, “that’s right John I have more of you than I even know what to do with.” I am BLESSED!
Thanks to each of you for making me feel so loved and for journying life with me!!!!
Here are more birthday snapshots:

Happy Birthday Benny!

Is is possible that a year has passed sincc sweet Ben was born? What a precious presence he holds in our family. I wanted to post some of the pictures I took from his special day. It was pretty uneventful. we had a party last week adn will be having another party in Louisville over Thanksgiving.

The day started with brother cuddling while watching TV, which never loses it’s preciousness. I took John to church and Chris stayed home with Ben. He was exposed 2 weeks ago to the chicken pox and we have to keep him away from other babies until we know he is in the clear. My dad took us all to franco’s for lunch. I went to work and then we took the kids to Barnes and Noble in the evening to play with the trains and to pick out a yummy birthday treat.

Can you tell Ben is hyped for some Birthday FUN!!!

The Birthday Hat didn’t stay on for long

When I told John to pick out a treat for He and Ben to share, He said, “Hey I know, Ben should have his own cookie since it’s his birthday.” Hmmm, isn’t John kind to want Ben to have his own very own cookie all to himself.

Our favorite spot…the trains…so much fun…so many germs! I’m sure the kids will have someehting gross by tomorrow.

Look at me….I can walk everywhere, all the time. I’m not so laid back anymore! My big brother ahs taught me well!

We can’t believe there is more birthday celebration waiting for us in 2 weeks in Kentucky. Happy Birthday to you Goo-paw! Thanks for sharing November 9th with Ben!!!

A Pumpkin a Pirate and Polka Dots…

Wow- it’s been an incredibly long time since I’ve blogged. I started working last month and blogging just hasn’t been on my list of priorities. Not to mention my camera broke and I haven’t had pictures to accompany my stories. I still don’t have much time to write, but I wanted to get these important pictures up.

Halloween was a blast. John was a pirate…Arrgh…and Ben was a pumpkin. Chris and I couldn’t stop lauging at John’s joy! Every house we came to was another opportunity to verbally exude his enthusiasm and pleasure. ” I never believe it, I never have this much fun before…skittles wow, I’ve never had those before…mommy I love halloween it’s the greatest day…and on and on and on! His other fun slogan of the night, “Was daddy you shine it again”, a direction for Chris to shine his flash light into the belly of John’s swelling pumpkin! Halloween came just in time, I had run out of pooping on the potty treats. Did you know that everytime your child poops on the potty the mother is rewarded with a treat as well?

A cousin trick or treat picture!

Polka Dots were the theme of Ben’s little family Birthday Party we had last week. We celebrated a week before his birthday since mom will be in Africa for the next couple of weeks. We will be having another birthday party in Louisville after Thanksgiving.
Why polka dots you ask? ben favorite item is his polka dot blankey. They are inseparable. This is a picture of m changing Ben’s diaper which usually ends in a fight- so the blankey is in hand- and Chris is tickling him.

We can’t believe our baby will be one on Sunday. A year has brought yet another flood of joy and goodnes into our lives. I am overcome with gratitude!
Ben’s first love affair with cake- If he is anything like his mama there will be many more to come!
This is Ben trying to reach the camera with icing hands…and Ben upset that the festivities must come to an end. Let’s just be honest, we all feel that way on our birthdays we just don’t all express it.

I am sure I will be posting more pictures of Ben’s birthday this Sunday! Thanks for reading up on us!

My Monkey Girl is 5!!!

I don’t know exactly why, but “Monkey Girl” has always been my nickname for Bethy! She turned five this past Friday…and I can’t belive it. She is in kindergarten this year and seems so grown up! I don’t really have much to say except that I adore her and I am so glad that my nieces live in Harrisonburg so that I can go to their birthday parties!

Check out Her Cuteness and the Birthday bash!
Birthday HUGS!!!
4 beautiful generations!!!
Ben thought it was his birthday….wait your turn Ben…2 more months!
Nana and Pop with Ben and a great Cousins Picture!

Happy Birthday to Me!

For those of you that know me well, you know that the picture above features some of my most cherished and simple pleasures. Some sentimental, some sweet and some I confess could possibly be considered a little sinful. The roses have become a precious and sweet symbol of my Anna…they make me so happy. The diet coke, the only drink that can truly satisfy (St. Pete…are ya with me Raeg?) The cookie dough, an absolute obsession and the only right way to really indulge, and the magazines…well it’s the way I can keep up with my Hollywood friends that I don’t get to see as much as I’d like. Okay, so I read so I can know how to pray. That was a joke, but as I wrote it, I decided it seriously sounds like a good idea. Along with a couple of great cards filled with all the right words and a couple of fun gifts, my kitchen table is the threshold of my favorite pleasures provided by my husband and my sister by 8:30 a.m. on June 6th, my 29th birthday!!!

The greatest gift I received that day was something I have been wanting for a long time and have been deprived of for 7 months! Sweet Chris slept on the sofa with Ben’s monitor by his ear and away from mine so I could sleep ALL NIGHT LONG! 8 hours of bliss was the first and most precious gift I received from Chris. Friday was a good day and a day I really needed for it was proceeded by many very hard days. Let’s just say hand/foot and mouth disease followed by an ear infection for John, bronchitis and mastitis for me and an infected toe and bad rash and eczema for Benny, left 3 of the Kelty’s feeling pretty puny! I have paid close to $150.00 in the past 10 days in co-pays and medications. I woke up on Friday feeling somewhat refreshed and ready for a good day! At about 8:30 a.m. Kristen showed up with my neices with the roses, cookie dough, diet coke, a balloon and some of my favorite magazines….the makings for a perfect”Kate”day!!! She came back over for lunch with some delicious Jimmy John’s. By noon I had my kids asleep and headed to my room with my birthday treats. I even got an hour nap in. What a great day so far!

At 3:30 I met up with my fam ( Chris stayed at home with John) and we drove to Roanoke for a suprise going away party for my brother thrown by his Young Life committee and his sweet wife! For the past 6 years Dave has labored in love for the kids of Lord Bourtetourt High School. I listened as kids and families shared about how their lives had been changed because David had introduced them to a relationship with Jesus. I have never felt prouder and luckier to to be his sister. In August, they will pack up and move to Blacksburg ( VA Tech) where they will continue their ministry together! After Dave’s party we went back to Mr. and Mrs. Sloop’s house where they had a little party for me. Thanks for the delicious cake Missa.

On Saturday, mom and Kristen and I went to lunch and a movie and shopping, something we always love to do, but rarely get to do. What a great time we had! That night we had a family birthday Party at My Mom and Dad’s house. We ate delicious chinese food and had more cake (YES!) followed by more gifts (DOUBLE YES!) Chris made a little game of “Blue’s Clue’s” for me (John’s new favorite video) to help me guess John’s gifts! Actually, I already knew what John’s gifts were because he told me that morning that he wasn’t going to tell me that he got me sunglasses and a bracelet! The following are some fun pictures from our great evening.

John wearing my presents!
Ben had to go to bed early, but he got in a couple cute pics before he went to bed! He is sitting up now!

To top off an already great birthday weekend, Chris took me out on a date tonight to one of my favorite restaurants, Clementine’s. Thank you Kristen and Mike for babysiting our boys!!! Thank you dear friends for your phone calls, cards, and messages!! Could I feel anymore loved? I am leaving you with a video of John John that I think will make you smile!!!

The Old man is 60!

I can hardly believe that my dad is 60! It doesn’t seem like 20 years ago that we were decorating the house for his 40th birthday party. He was away on the 24th, which is his actual birthday, so we celebrated last night belatedly. Chris grilled steaks and we had a yummy salad and baked potatoes topped off with a delicious birthday cake and ice cream. Kristen and I created a “60 of our favorite reasons why we love daddy” and presented them. Among the attributes and memories were dad’s smooth hands, his encouraging words, his affection, his great jokes and exaggerated stories and his bargain shopping and gift giving. The only thing that could’ve improved on the evening was if Dave and Melissa had been able to come. We love you Daddy. Happy Birthday!

Here are a few pictures that captured the celebration

93 years young!

This weekend my sweet Pop turned 93. He has the energy, wit and mind of a much younger man and we are all so blessed by his 93 years. We had a big celebration weekend. All of the Davis children ( mom’s family) came into town along with spouses and children, and Dave and Melissa came home too. We had a party at Traditions ( Nana and Pop’s favorite Mennonite Buffet) followd by presents, stoires and a 15 minute video my mom had made of pictures of thier whole life ending with pictures of our children. The video also had their favorite hyms and scriptures on it. Mom worked so hard and it was such a gift for my grandparents. Pop is a one of a kind man. He loves Jesus more than anyone I know and cares more about people coming to know Jesus than anyone I have ever met before. I have never been with Pop in public where he hasn’t shared his faith with someone, including the waitress at his birthday lunch. He is adorable and he and Nana are so cute together. They have been married nearly 63 years and still spend a couple of hours every morning in prayer and bible study together. It’s pretty unbelievable to know that there hasn’t been a day in the last 28 years of my life where my name hasn’t been spoken in prayer by them…and now for my husband and children. I am a blessed grandaughter. We love you Nana nd Pop!